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Associate Spotlight: Taia Veren

Updated: Apr 11, 2019

The second associate spotlight of the spring semester is Taia Veren, a senior majoring in public relations with a minor in interactive media. This is Taia’s fourth semester with C Street Agency.

Here is a Q&A session with Taia:

Q: Where are you from? What is your major/minor?

A: I'm from Melbourne, Iowa. My major is public relations and my minor is interactive media.

Q: Why did you join C Street Agency?

A: I joined C Street because it is such a unique opportunity that gives me valuable experience.

Q: What is your position in C Street and what do you do?

A: I'm an account executive for C Street. I facilitate communications, client relations and meetings for my team and clients. I manage my team's project work and create content to meet client objectives and needs.

Q: What is your favorite client project you have done?

A: I would say my favorite projects are all of the design projects I've gotten to do for clients has gotten me out of my comfort zone. (ADMSD, CTE Hope, Maple Tree Marketplace)

Q: Where is your internship this spring and what do you do?

A: My internship this spring is in the marketing department at Des Moines Performing Arts. My duties range from social media content creating to graphic designing to campaign strategizing and proofing.

Q: What other organizations are you a part of?

A: I'm a part of the Simpson College Dance Team, Student Government Association and PRSSA.

Q: Favorite social media platform and why?

A: I like Instagram the best because it has the most visually-focused content.

Q: Dream job?

A: My dream job is being the voice of an animated character for a tv show or movie, but my other dream job is being an Account Manager or Creative Strategist for a marketing agency.

Instagram: @taiajveren

Twitter: @taia13veren

This blog post was written by Johanna Beierle, Assistant Firm Director.


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