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Associate Spotlight: Baillee Furst

Updated: Mar 8, 2019

The first associate spotlight of the spring semester is Baillee Furst, a junior majoring in public relations and English with a minor in political science. This is Baillee’s third semester as the Firm Director of C Street.

Here is a Q&A session with Baillee:

Q: Where are you from? What is your major/minor?

A: I'm from Boone, Iowa. My majors are public relations and English and my minor is political science. 

Q: Why did you join C Street Agency?

A: I joined C Street because I heard great things about the organization during its first semester of operation. I was looking to get more strictly public relations experience and I knew C Street would be the perfect opportunity to get portfolio pieces and serve as a highlight on my resume.

Q: What is your position in C Street and what do you do?

A: I'm the C Street Agency Firm Director, a position I've had for three semester now. In this role, I do a lot of internal work for the agency. This includes running weekly meetings, occasionally attending client meetings with our associates, editing and giving input on client work, organizing activities for the agency (fun and professional) and organizing some internal materials like our budget and other college-related materials. I serve as a leader for everyone in the agency and have a hand in helping with any client work I'm needed for. 

Q: What is your favorite client project you have done?

A: I would say I really enjoyed the pitch presentations I gave last semester to both ADM and Iowa Able, which helped to gain them as clients. 

Q: Where is your internship this spring and what do you do?

A: My internship this spring is with Iowa Farm Bureau. I'm a digital marketing intern, so I help with our social media channels, including covering our events. I also help keep track of some of our analytics, edit some of our web content and assist OA's from all 100 of our Iowa county with their Facebook pages. A few other things I do include transcribing our biweekly podcast, running daily news reports for our marketing department and updating our conservation field day events tab on a weekly basis. My favorite thing I've done so far is working the Iowa State Fair. My internship site has a booth there and we celebrated our centennial during 2018, so there were a lot of fun activities I got to assist with covering, including our annual cookout contest and a member appreciation Brett Eldredge concert. I've gotten to take on a lot of different projects and roles during my nearly one year with Farm Bureau, and I'm excited to see what the next year has in store. 

Q: What other organizations are you a part of?

A: I am involved in Simpson Softball, PRSSA, English Club, Omicron Delta Kappa, Alpha Lambda Delta and Sigma Tau Delta. I'm also the Career Development Undergraduate Assistant.

Q: Favorite social media platform and why?

A: Instagram, because it's relatively drama-free and I'm excited to see what direction it heads in as usage grows. It's also fun 😉 

Q: Dream job?

A: I don't really know. I can't say I definitely know what career field I want to go into, but I know I want to work in a field that's engaging, active and requires me to be a lifelong learner. I hope for a job that I'm excited to go to (most days) and not one that feels like something I have to do.

To learn more about Baillee follow her on social media!

Instagram: @bailleef

Twitter: @bailleefurst

This blog post was written by Johanna Beierle, Assistant Firm Director.


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