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7 Ways to Make the Most of LinkedIn

Updated: Mar 6, 2019

By Johanna Beierle

LinkedIn is a great way for students and future professionals to connect with employers and show their work. Nowadays, professionals take LinkedIn accounts as seriously as resumes. Here are some tips and tricks to make a standout LinkedIn profile.

1. Upload a professional profile picture

Research shows that users are more likely to connect with someone who has a professional picture. Either have a friend take a professional-looking photo, or get a headshot taken if an opportunity comes up on campus.

2. Upload work samples

Under the experience section of the profile, there is a place to add photos, documents, and links that demonstrate your work. This shows future employers what you have accomplished through work and college courses, so utilize this feature. Always make sure to proofread before posting.

3. Add any and all jobs and experience that you’ve had (unless it was negative)

No job is too small, including those from high school. However, if you left the job because of a negative experience or were fired, you should probably refrain from adding that job. Each job shows you have experience, so add any and all. Employers love to see what skills you have gained through past jobs and experience.

4. Endorse co-workers, students and other professionals

Do you know someone who has great public speaking or computer skills? Endorse them on LinkedIn. If you endorse someone, they might endorse you back. Endorsements are impressive to employers because they show that other people have noticed your skills and want to vouch for you. Ask past employers to endorse you on LinkedIn as well to show future employers that you are qualified.

5. Connect with as many people as possible

Numbers matter. Do you have an internship? Connect with your co-workers. Do you want to work for a certain company? Connect with some of the employees of that company. The more connections you make, the easier it gets to connect with more people. These connections may even be able to help you get a job!

6. Regularly update your LinkedIn profile

Updating your LinkedIn profile every few weeks or months is the best way to utilize the site. If you get a new job or have a new work sample, add it to your profile. Employers are always looking at LinkedIn profiles, so be sure that yours reflects your current situation. Updating your profile can also be fun. It makes you feel like your life is together.

7. Download the LinkedIn app

Last but not least, the best way to utilize LinkedIn is to download the LinkedIn app. It is easy to use and provides easy access to connecting with professionals. Sometimes I even get carried away before bed, connecting with more co-workers and professionals that I find.


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